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January 15, 2021
You can read our review on the repair of alkylation damage to DNA with Nima Mosammaparast here: The complexity and regulation of the repair of alkylation damage to nucleic acids.
January 1, 2021
Happy new year everybody, here is hoping the COVID-19 epidemic will be behind us a year from now!
December 15, 2020
Please take a look at our collaboration with the laboratory of Martijn Luijsterburg on the characterization of two new patients with mutations in the XPA-binding domain of ERCC1: ERCC1 mutations impede DNA damage repair and cause liver and kidney dysfunction in patients
October 30, 2020
You can read our latest paper in Nature Comm. with Jung-Eun Yeo as a corresponding author: SDE integrates into the TIMELESS-TIPIN Complex to Protect Stalled Replication Forks
September 17, 2020
Learn about how TFIIH operates in NER and what some of the open question with regards to its mechanisms are in the multi-lab review in the journal DNA Repair: Envisioning how the prototypic molecular machine TFIIH functions in transcription initiation and DNA repair
September 4, 2020
Our collaborative paper with the Burgers Laboratory on how Rev1-Pol z works in ICL repair is out in NAR: Bypass of DNA interstrand crosslinks by a Rev1-DNA Polymerase Z complex
August 31, 2020
Two new graduate students joined our branch this semester: Geunil Yi from UNIST, who already worked in the Takata Lab as an undergraduate and Thuzar Lwin from the University of Yangoon in Myanmar, who spent a summer here as and exchange student. Welcome!!
August 27, 2020
Please check out first paper from the Takata Lab at IBS-CGI in NAR Cancer: Defining the mutation signatures of DNA polymerase θ in cancer genomes